The Anser, Sancta’s Academic Journal

The Anser interdisciplinary journal is a peer-reviewed publication of collected of articles, essays and research by students and alumni of Sancta

The publication title, The Anser, is a playful Latin tribute to Sancta’s cherished mascot, The Goose. The Goose can be noticed in the publication’s Volume 1 cover art, designed by Sancta alumna Georgina Kreutzer (Postgraduate 2016).

Sancta student Amelia-Anne Merz established the project in 2016, recognising the scope it would have to celebrate and strengthen Sancta’s culture of academic excellence and collegiality. 

In September 2018, the first edition of The Anser was published by Sydney University Press and officially launched by The Vice-Chancellor of The University of Sydney. 

“The Anser gives our students and alumni the opportunity to develop their work into papers worthy of academic publishing; it facilitates connectedness amongst the student and alumni body, and allows contributors to represent Sancta in the international academic community.”  

The Editorial Board select submissions; organise double-blind peer-reviews by academic staff from various universities; and engage in the editing process with authors. 

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Volume 2, 2020

Editor-in-Chief | Apurv Yadav (Postgraduate 2017)

Cover art: “Window of Wisdom” by Aliah Banchik (Fresher 2019)


Overcoming the Mass Incarceration of Indigenous Australians: Strategies in Incremental Change – Jordyn Price (Postgraduate 2016)

Why is Australia often called a “Liberal Democratic Country”? – Jemima Back (Fresher 2018)

Man vs Wild: Constructing the ‘Human’ in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and As You Like It – Jeanne Hamman (Fresher 2014, Postgraduate 2018)

Lincoln’s Hand in the Timing of the Emancipation Proclamation – Linna Jefferson (Fresher 2016, Postgraduate 2020)

Early Childhood Education and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health – Keara Chan (Postgraduate 2018)

A Practical Policy to Resolve Rising Rates of Obesity in a Liberal Society – Wenbo Song (Postgraduate 2018)

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Volume 1, 2018

Founder and Editor-in-Chief | Amelia-Anne Merz (Postgraduate 2014)

Cover art by Georgina Kreutzer (Postgraduate 2016)


The Return of ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’: The Clash of Cosmopolitanism and National Protection in an Age of Global Terror – Isabella Barrett (Fresher 2015)

Polarisation and Gerrymandering in US Elections – Angela Di Giorgio (Fresher 2013)

Restructuring Space: The Camera and Travel Photography – Madalyn Busby (Fresher 2014)

The 1960s counterculture works of protest artists James Rosenquist, Martha Rosler and Edward Kienholz: how political art came to be used as a response to the Vietnam War and a critique of postmodern American society Anne-Laure Paquot (Fresher 2014)

Christianity, Community and Controversy: The Rise and Rise of Australia’s Biggest Megachurch – Hannah Siemer (Fresher 2014)

Studying the Solubility and Stability of Biologically Active Vanadium Complexes – Maraia Pickering (Fresher 2015, Postgraduate 2018)


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