Senior Common Room

The Senior Common Room fosters academic discourse, aims to create a strong community spirit, and assists postgraduate residents to take full advantage of College life

The Senior Common Room (SCR) is the representative body for postgraduate residents of Sancta. The SCR exists to ensure that postgraduate students are represented in the organisation of the College and to provide additional opportunities for leadership, academic, social, social justice, sport, and cultural activities.

Like the Undergraduate House Committee, members of the SCR take on specific roles as well as deal with generalised matters and the running of postgraduate student functions and events held at Sancta.

All postgraduate residents are encouraged to approach SCR members regarding any areas requiring discussion and may make a request to attend a meeting to present issues, ideas, or concerns.

2024 Senior Common Room

Committee Members


Heath Macleod


Georgia Cox


Thomas Alexander

Social Justice Representative 

Sudipta Datta

Sports Representative

Rae Anderson

Social Representative

Elizabeth Odria

Cultural Representative

Xinyi (Alex) Wu

Other Representatives and Office Bearers

Food Representative

Michael Chian

Chief Gardener

Winston Lee

Photo Representative

Yuexin Wang

Social Justice Office Bearer

Arnav Guliani

Sports Office Bearer

Romy Miller

Social Office Bearer

Tripti Mohapatra

Cultural Office Bearer

Yuheng (Charlotte) Cao