Sancta Palladian Highlights of 2019

The Intercollege Performing Arts Challenge, also known as the Palladian Cup, is a highly anticipated annual competition between the six residential colleges of The University of Sydney. The competition comprises of a lively and competitive showcase of both individual and group performances across a variety of categories, including dance, debating, oration, drama, art, instrumental and vocal.

All Sancta supporters are warmly invited to show their support for our students at any of the upcoming Palladian Cup events in 2020. Click here for the dates and locations.


  • Lucy Clarke-Randazzo came third in Solo Instrumental. Cassie Parke also represented Sancta.
  • Cassie Parke, Karolin Velliste and Lucy Clarke-Randazzo were Highly Commended for their Instrumental Ensemble performance. Eulalia Angeli, Katie Fitzpatrick and Paige Billow also represented Sancta.
  • Most Outstanding Contribution Award: Lucy Clarke-Randazzo



  • Lucy Andrews and Lucy Goodrick represented Sancta in Solo Vocal.
  • Sancta was represented in Vocal Ensemble by Aaron Yang, Beth Bourke, Carmel Hall, Cassie Parke, Dana Atallah, Elena Turunen, Eloise Coleman, Eulalia Angeli, Genevieve Dreyer, Hannah Lukeman, Isabella Nolan, Isabelle Fuller, Jed Endaya, Kathryn Soen, Katie Fitzpatrick, Lilla Mckenzie, Lucy Andrews, Maddison Raffe, Natalie Law and Tate Kiddle.
  • Most Outstanding Contribution Award: Lucy Andrews


Oration & Debating

  • Charlotte Target won first place in Oration. India Kermode also represented Sancta.
  • Sancta celebrated Charlotte’s win with a Victory Dinner.
  • Sancta won against St Paul’s in Debating. Sancta was represented by Carmel Hall, Charlotte Target, Grace Banks, Jeanne Hamman and Manjot Kaur.
  • Most Outstanding Contribution Award: Charlotte Target.



  • Alice Best came third in Solo Drama. Georgia Gunnis also represented Sancta.
  • Sancta was represented in Drama Ensemble by Charlotte Target, Georgia Gunnis, Isabella Nolan, Katie Merriman, Manjot Kaur and Tate Kiddle.
  • Most Outstanding Contribution Award: Georgia Gunnis



  • Sancta was represented in Dance by Alice Morrison, Annika Rhoades, Elena Turunen, Elisha Quan, Eliza Anwar, Elizabeth Rose, Emma Clark, Isobel Berryman, Juliette Radford, Kaylee Harding, Lola Ohlsson, Lucy Clarke-Randazzo, Lucy Goodrick, Rose Burden, Samantha McCormick, Sarah Jones and Tate Kiddle.
  • Most Outstanding Contribution Award: Isobel Berryman



  • Anne Leven-Marcon, Eloise Coleman and Juliette Radford represented Sancta in Visual Art.
  • Most Outstanding Contribution Award: Eloise Coleman