Dr Marie Leech Farewell

Alumni, colleagues, staff and students gathered to farewell Dr Marie Leech and to thank her for 10 years outstanding service at the College. The Chancellor of University of Sydney, Belinda…

Sad passing of Nan Kelly

  The Sancta community mourns the passing of former Council member and Fellow, Nan Kelly (7 December 1924 – 20 August 2017). Vale Nan. Read the eulogy read by Sr…

Appointment of New Principal

Sancta Sophia College is pleased to announce the appointment of Fiona Hastings as Principal of the College commencing in 2018.  Fiona will take over from Dr Marie Leech, who is…

Upcoming Events

Sancta has a full range of interesting events focusing on academic areas and current topical issues, over the coming weeks. You are invited to attend any of these events to…

Dr Marie Leech recognised in Brigid Awards

Principal, Dr Marie Leech received a Brigid Award in February 2017 for her contribution to strengthening cultural links between Australia and Ireland. Brigid Awards recognise contribution of Irish-Australian women, more…

Important Message from the Principal

  Dear Students, Parents, Alumni, Staff and Friends, Over the coming weeks there is likely to be much media attention about how Universities and Colleges care for their students, with…

1956/57 Reunion

Freshers from 1956 and 1957 recently returned to the College for a lunch and the opportunity to catch up with friends from their days at Sancta.

Queens Birthday Honours for Sancta Alumna

Congratulations to Associate Professor Ann Mary Bye (FR ’69) on receiving an AM for significant service to medicine in the field of paediatric neurology as a clinician, academic, and mentor…